‘Welcome to Way of Sacred Birth.


Put love back into birth and living.


Transform ‘scared’ to ‘sacred’—same letters—different meaning.


Changes will come with each child—among other things in life.


Give yourself and baby the best possible birthing and family experience that you can have.


Know your body. Know your baby. Trust your knowing. Love is a golden key.


All stories have been given in good faith for the benefit of others; for the common knowledge of the whole and the upliftment of humanity.


When I look at the Way of Sacred Birth theme picture, I am inspired by the dawn fingers of sunlight caressing mother’s tummy with baby in her womb. Transforming ‘scared’ to ‘sacred’ by understanding how birth unfolds—often easily, offers promise of a greater dawn of kindness, a form of loving awareness, in birth and everyday life.


Through our stories, discern how you can encourage healthy birthing, and recognise the ways in which Divine Spirit works with you, as you open your heart to the greater love and purpose of your being here—especially with those you call family.


Some of our stories and the events around them, may add to what you already know, validate your experience, or lead you to what is most relevant for you, as you develop your own values and your life.


Enjoy your day. And…please enjoy our stories.


Thank you. I am Suzi.’