
“Thank you so much for supporting us with our home water birth. Thank you for guiding and being there to give us the birth experience that every woman and baby deserves the chance to have! We feel so blessed with our son’s arrival.” Shay, Mother, Queensland, Australia.

“It was refreshing to read birth basics, given in such an informative, inspiring and common sense way. Enthusiasm to improve womens’ chance of birthing well is commendable. These stories could well help replace a weak or missing link in the chain of routinely expected birthing events and intervention, by improving general confidence and know how within families and communities.” Ann, Mother, Queensland, Australia.

“Oh, – you are dearly missed by the women who need someone like you. I am missing your spiritual midwifery on the Coast. I am in a different space and I am meant to follow my own path, so I can serve the women who I am a match for, but there are so many women free birthing because they can’t find a more spiritual match.” Lisa Veeck, Midwife, Queensland, Australia.

“It is absolutely stunning! Look at what happens when you write from the heart. And it is so professionally written. It is obviously for women in this day and age. Too bad this wasn’t around when I had my totally miserable first birth. However, that is how it was meant for me. All a long time ago now! I trust the books will help many women in the future. Congratulations!” Nellie, Grandmother, Queensland, Australia.