About the many Authors…
Stories written by parents as guest authors have been given in trust and with love for the good of others. The same is true of professionals who have gifted written work with insights garnered from years of experience.
Compiled into books of a kind, or still in the pipeline, each story adds an exceptional touch to demonstrate the unique experiences women and their families can have, bringing their own kind of success, sometimes in spite of all probable odds.
Many stories hint at, or define a strong sense and acknowledgment of the subtle and spiritual realities perceived via intuitive knowing, dreams, clear insight or ‘gut feeling’.
It is the goal of authors, through stories, to let you discover reasons, intuitive know how, tips or insights which may benefit yourself or another who is planning, or expecting to birth at home, in a birthing centre, or in a hospital.
Stories can inspire personal birthing know how and confidence, as well as encourage general wellbeing in day to day living—ultimately a gift toward the happier hum of a family home and the individual sense of belonging within the local and world community.