All information, insight, tips, ideas, tools—actual or perceived within stories of experience have been given in good faith for the greater good and common knowledge of the whole. With reflection and appropriate consideration, what is perceived as useful, may add to the personal or professional knowledge base of the individual reader, listener or viewer.
All reasonable care, diligence, and attention have been taken in the preparation of material in this/these publication/s and related works. They are a compilation of gifted, or donated stories, which include insight about life in general, wellbeing and birthing. They come from personal or professional experiential knowledge gathered by author/s via family life, nursing, midwifery, and other professions or interests.
These works are anecdotal in essence.
At the time of writing all professionals who contributed stories of their experiences held relevant professional registration, unless otherwise stated
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All parties involved in any aspect of these works, or development of them (and those to come) have been engaged, volunteered, or whom are intended to be engaged or to volunteer, will also do their best to ensure that information contained in the works, website or services are as accurate and reliable as possible at the time of creation or compilation etc. However, errors sometimes occur. In addition Way of Sacred Birth may make changes, amend concepts or make changes and improvements in the website information, and also update information, reprint or reproduce any of the works at any time. They may also be placed into new or different formats in order to meet the needs of those who resonate with works which are still in the creative ‘pipeline’ or have already been offered and appreciated by those who have found them via website and other sources.
It is not intended that the information, concepts or ideas inspired by the parties for and including all reader/s, listener/s or viewer/s—whether consumer, family, lay person or professional; whether written, electronic, transmedia forms or in spoken word, shared in stories of personal testimony, or group presentation or discussion, including but not limited to matters concerning; family, fertility, conception, pregnancy, birth preparation, labour and birthing, babies, breast feeding matters, related postnatal recovery experience, lotus birth, childcare, parenting, sexuality, menopause, diet, exercise, stretches, wellness, lifestyle, relaxation, thought concepts, relationship matters, child care, spiritual views, the use of conventional, holistic, wellness or alternative health care approaches or considered treatments, real or presumed by the reader/listener/viewer/presenter—are to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional attention and proper advice from relevant qualified practitioners.
The reader, viewer, listener or presenter, is not to depend on any information, suggestions or advice, whether presumed or otherwise, from material in this or other publications, or any form of presentation by the parties which may have been valid for the situation experienced at the time and told in the story or in story reflections. Integrity of heart is recommended by the Foundation for all Volunteer/s, Author/s, Publisher/s, Consultants, Editor/s or their respective Volunteers, Employee/s, Contractor/s Distributor/s, Agent/s and all other related bodies, structures or entities, hereafter called party or parties. For and including all, reader/s, listener/s or viewer/s; whether consumer, family, lay person or professional, hereafter called person, or people, for the good of one and all. Meaning; self, partner, babies, family, pets, home, livestock and environs of this living planet earth, with the highest respect for the sovereign rights of awakening humanity—of natural sentient men, women, babies, children, youth, and seniors, with kind respect and care toward pets, livestock, environments of earth, air, waters, flora, fauna, solid and subtle, seen and unseen, connected atmospheres or realities, space, and all existence between and beyond etc.
It is recommended that anyone seeking pregnancy or health care consult his or her own appropriate professional practitioner, and if needed, seek a second or third opinion, before embracing any style of care presumed or suggested, whether from this source or from other book/s, blog, e-books, transmedia productions etc., without first satisfying their own conscience, or having sought appropriate professional advice and willingly accepted personal responsibility for any choices made, as similar results found within the experiences of a stories cannot be guaranteed or expected to yield the same results.
All works are a reflection of the author/s personal, professional and/or spiritual understandings and are not intended to speak for any profession, whether they are in the field of health and wellness, medicine, nursing, midwifery, teaching, spirituality or religion. There may be in this or any other work/s occasional use of certain terms (Eckankar, ECK, Soul Travel, and Mahanta) that are trademarks of ECKANKAR, or in a similar way, trademarks of any other organization, profession, belief or teaching. A fair and reasonable use of such words is intended, as with any words or terms that could be occasionally used, reflective of other beings, persons, bodies, structures or entities work/s trademark/s, tag line/s or slogan/s of same or other group/s, path/s, teaching/s, profession/s, or religion/s, culture/s or belief system which may also be found in this or any other related work/s.
This does not imply any endorsement or sponsorship by Eckankar or by any other group, path, teaching, profession, religion, culture, or belief system where reasonable use of words of affinity may have been used or appear to have been used. It is intended only to make a “fair use” of such terms, recognizing, for example, that the rights to their trademark usage belong entirely to Eckankar or whatever group, path, profession, religion, culture, belief system, body, structure or entity may have been considered, mentioned, perceived as, or actually been alluded to within stories and reflections made around the experience relayed within particular stories compiled or presented in the Foundation work/s, in personal setting/s, group discussion/s, private or open public presentation/s.
The parties shall not accept liability for any injury, loss or damage caused or presumed to be caused to any person, adult, child, unborn, newborn, or long born (older persons), consciously or inadvertently acting or failing to act, arising from the included material or inadvertent omission, default, or overlooked breach of duty in any of the works by any of the parties.
From heart to heart, seek to know the truth of Love’s higher connection and harmony amidst the changes that come in living life, as the carpet of time moves each of us through unique experiences from birth to passage out of this life—a personal cycle of the Earth walk.
In living the ‘hum drum’ of daily life in your own extra-ordinary way, develop the majesty of your life—no matter how humble—do expand your capabilities and offer your uplifting gifts of being each day into this world—your presence, thoughts, words, actions and love—with heartfelt regard to the sovereign rights of your own true self and that of awakening humanity to spiritual connection and potential, of natural sentient men and women, their babies, children, youth, old people, the planet and environs within and beyond its perimeters, as future progress may eventually acknowledge and allow.